Self check-in in Florence: enter whenever you want

When you travel, you can never know when you arrive at your destination. You may have a limited number of days and try to make the most of them. Or it can be holiday season and therefore there is a lot of traffic on the highways. It can also happen that you decide to leave on Friday for a weekend of relaxation and therefore you leave after work. For this reason, we have decided to eliminate any limitation to the arrival time for our Guests. How did we do this? Allowing everyone to arrive whenever they want (and can!).

For some months now we have inaugurated our self check-in system. This idea was very appreciated by all our guests, by those who come on holiday in Tuscany and those who come for work. Thanks to a code sent by our Reception, it is possible to open the external gate dedicated to Guests and enter. From here you can open the door of our B&B and enter. In front of the door of each room, a safety deposit box allows the automatic release of the electronic key of the room. In this way, there is no need to respect the hours of entrance.

This system therefore allows access to the room 24 hours a day. It is an automatic and safe system, both for us who manage the structure and for the guests who arrive at their room thanks to a reserved code. From now on, you can travel all over Tuscany, dine out come back when you're tired. Or you can enjoy the Tuscan nights, before arriving in Florence in your bed & breakfast. If you come for work, you don't have to run on the motorway: there's no limit to your return time anymore.
If you want more information on self check-in, ask at the reception!

Send a request to Anda & Rianda BB in Florence

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Via Pistoiese, 81
50013 San Donnino
Campi Bisenzio - FLORENCE

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39 366 408 8200
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